Aluminum is used in almost every aspect of our lives and is the third most widespread metal on Earth. It is revered as lightweight and unparalleled in strength, and aluminum is a high-quality option for global manufacturers. CNC laser cutting machines have come a long way to keep up with the demands of premium aluminum fabrication.
The advancement of laser cutting has evolved into a profession focused on providing a viable, effective, and cost-efficient option for metal fabrication. Laser cutting experts, such as our team at Steelway Laser Cutting, have developed a business model that combines experience and skill.
Our CNC laser cutting services can provide aluminum cutting in high volume, at exceptional speeds, and with superior quality.
Aluminum in the Manufacturing Industry
The manufacturing industry is engineering for the future and demands special fabrication of aluminum that requires precise and intricate cuts. Refinement and processing of aluminum have become widely used in manufacturing over the years and continue to perform as a metal of choice for some of the most important global industries.
Industrial CNC laser cutters are widely used and considered essential for manufacturing in the following fields:
- Aerospace
- Construction
- Transportation
Second to steel, aluminum is the most used metal in the world. Due to its resistance to corrosion, strength, and small mass, many parts in cars and transportation are made of aluminum. This includes aluminum rods, sheets, alloys, and other aluminum profiles.
The Benefits of Aluminum
There are many benefits to using aluminum for your industrial projects. Some of the benefits include:
- nearly three times lighter than steel
- good stretch capacity without compromising strength
- workable at low temperatures
- 13 times higher thermal conductivity than stainless steel
- non-magnetic properties
- optimal processing
- resistance to external influences
- electrical conductivity
Aluminum Laser Cutting Advantages
Laser cutters that work under CNC parameters are the best option for metal cutting, especially for aluminum. The computer controls of a CNC laser machine allow for cuts that do not make direct contact with the material. This process also includes maintaining tighter cutting tolerances and increasing cutting speed. Therefore, they are generally automated to maximize precision.
Some CNC programs make laser cutting highly effective for thin sheet metal by offering capabilities that allow a laser to shape material while the cutting head is in motion. The moveable laser can perform fast-cutting operations with accuracy.
CNC programming can also regulate power output. Therefore, this enables the laser to shift settings depending on the cut’s contours and thickness.
Lastly, some CNC lasers are equipped with sensory units that can adjust the distance between the cutting head and the workpiece to reduce the potential for warping.
The Use of Laser Cutting for Aluminum
There are many reasons why laser cutting is the process of choice because of the guaranteed high-quality complex shapes needed to meet industrial fabrication standards. The outlook for continued advancements in laser cutting processes and technology is promising. Ongoing research is currently being conducted to determine the best standard practices and optimal laser applications for various materials.
Additionally, laser cutting head specifications are continually revised and adjusted to improve the quality of laser piercing and clean laser cuts. As laser cutting systems continue to improve in their capacity, production rates, and cost efficiency, more aluminum laser cutting applications are likely to gain momentum and popularity.
The Challenges with Laser Cutting Aluminum
There are unique properties that make aluminum particularly challenging to cut. Finding a CNC laser cutting expert with the experience and skills to work with aluminum efficiently and effectively is essential. Using aluminum has many benefits, but there are some challenges that come with this metal. Let’s discover what challenges can come with the use of aluminum.
Soft Metal
By nature, aluminum is a soft metal, especially in comparison to stainless steel and iron. Harder metals tend to produce clean-cut edges, as opposed to softer metals. Laser cutting providers need to accommodate the softer metal using a higher wattage laser when using aluminum. This process entails cutting faster and implementing air-assist technology to blow the kerf out of the way during cutting.
A CNC laser cutter cuts through the metal with a highly focused light beam. Since aluminum is highly reflective, the surface can scatter or even fully deflect the laser beam. This can diminish its cutting capacity and potentially damage the cutting machine’s optics. Laser equipment operators must know how to alter the cutting speed, cutting gas, and focus position of the laser to create an effective cut using aluminum.
Aluminum is a good thermal conductor, presenting unique challenges during laser cutting. CNC laser cutting machines use heat from the laser’s interaction with the metal material to melt through the surface. When the heat disperses too quickly, it can’t create a clean, smooth cut. A high-powered laser cutter with a metal cutting head ensures that the aluminum will reach its melting point faster and results in cleaner and more accurate cuts.
Choosing the Right Lasers for Cutting Aluminum
When it comes to laser cutting machines, there are many factors to consider when deciding what machine is best for the cut you want to achieve. The material being cut often dictates the type of laser used in fabrication. It is important to match equipment specifications to metal properties and capacities.
Some laser machines are ideal for cutting thicker metals, while others might be more suitable for cutting thinner metals.
It’s also important to consider the aluminum grade. Higher-grade aluminum with more alloying elements is easier to cut.
More Information About CO2 Lasers
Specific to CO2 lasers, they contain a series of mirrors inside, making them more susceptible to damage. This is because of the reflective nature of aluminum and bouncing laser beams. However, most of today’s lasers have a system specifically designed for aluminum cutting, which follows the cutting parameters. Therefore, the occurrence of possible critical reflection, turns off the laser beam and thereby prevents possible damage.
These considerations don’t mean CNC laser machines are not the right fit for cutting aluminum. It just means it takes a specialized set of skills to work with CNC laser machines to cut aluminum optimally.
Expert Laser Cutting Services with Steelway Laser Cutting
Aluminum laser cutting requires expert experience and skill. With high demand for combined speed and quality driving the manufacturing industry, there is no room for mediocre quality. Steelway Laser Cutting has the expertise to meet all your metal cutting needs.
Learn more about our comprehensive laser cutting services. We deliver exceptional customer service backed by superior metal cutting results.
Contact us today and receive a quote on your next project.